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When you can’t control your surroundings, you don’t adapt in, you just modify your care routine.
When you can’t control your surroundings, you don’t adapt in, you just modify your care routine. We live in a World where Global Warming is at an all-time high, temperatures are hot and direct all the time, pollution and congestion have become part of our lives. These all together are affecting our health, bodies, and mental strength to an extent we can’t even comprehend. This is where our responsibility to be more careful and intuitive about our bodies and health comes into the picture.
Not only our skin, our hair, and our scalp are also equally threatened by direct exposure to UV sun rays. You manage with sunscreen for your skin but what about your scalp. What should you do to prevent and repair the damage caused by UV sun rays on your scalp and hair? Well, let us help you out.
But before we begin, remember that there is never too much of a care routine you could follow for your hair care. It should be your priority. After all, love is in the hair.
1. Always cover your head, while stepping out.
Yes, we do get it. A small grocery run in the nearby market. What damage would it do to my scalp?
Our answer is- enough to degenerate your hair health.
Make it a habit to cover your head with a scarf or hat whenever you step out. Feels like you are being extra? Well, then be it. Because your hair deserves that extra care.
When you cover your scalp you avoid direct UV rays from affecting your scalp. It won’t turn dry, itchy, and flaky. And we all know that healthier the scalp, healthier the hair.
2. Use a leave-in hair conditioner.
The vitamin E enriched leave-in conditioner would protect your hair from direct sun damage. It would create a protective shield around your hair strands thereby protecting them from the damage caused by extreme heat. Hair becomes brittle and lifeless when it is exposed consistently to harmful UV rays. Hence, our suggestion would be to add a serum and leave-in conditioners to your routine.
3. Use a repair hair masque.
However much you try, the damage sometimes is inevitable. Hence, repair and regenerative hair care are equally important and should be part of your weekly routine. Soap Eleiments intense repair hair pack nourishes your scalp and promotes healthy hair. It acts as a perfect elixir to treat chemically treated and damaged hair.
4. Inculcate scalp scrub in your routine.
A dry and flaky scalp is the root cause of all problems. When your scalp is dry and damaged, it cannot absorb the nutrients even from the most luxurious products. You need to remove the excessive buildup and flakiness from your scalp to allow it to promote healthy hair growth.
Read others blogs:- 4 Tips Tp Get Nourished Moisturized Skin Using Body Butter
Summing up, these are just a few ways of effectively protecting your hair from sun exposure. But never forget the basics. Drink enough water, dry massage your scalp, don’t wash it excessively, and don’t forget to oil your hair often. After all, healthy hair adds much more to your confidence than just external appearance.